18/06/2008 By Dirk 0

PSIRP vision available now!

As I have written before, PSIRP (an EU FP7 project of small scale) started in January this year. While we are heading towards the deliverables of this project, we also underwent an internal exercise to create and formulate a clear vision for what we are aiming at, something that is bigger than what we’re actually doing but something that gives our work a clear frame.

As no surprise to me, we adopted the tussle networking vision, which I have presented earlier on this blog, as our vision in PSIRP with a clearly formulated scope for our project (embedded in this larger vision). The information provisioning plane, presented in this vision, clearly maps onto the work we intend to perform in PSIRP. Surely, many pieces, in particular in the space of Semantic Web and tussle delimination, are largely missing in our work scope but we can already see how some of these ideas also emerge in our architectural work (more on this in later blogs).

Besides the vision aspect however, this exercise also served the purpose of engaging internal project members into the overall story, embedding them into the picture (or at least attempt to do so). For that reason, the actual vision is accompanied by a set of scenarios, which was collectively created and pressed into a storyline that describes the life of fictious John and Mary (and their family).

I am happy to say that the overall (internal) goal of engaging the project members seemed to have been achieved. We collected a set of scenarios across different types of services and experiences from quite many project members. All of these scenarios are presented in a way that, apart from the actual storyline (I took the liberty to change the original contributions towards a somewhat coherent lifestory), each scenario outlines the background as well as the essence of the scenario in relation to our vision of an information-centric Internet.

As said, the vision and scenarios document is not an official deliverable of our project, it is a technical report created outside our agreed obligations. I expect PSIRP to create other such technical reports, touching on issues we identify in this effort that we either did not foresee upfront (in the end, this is explorative research!) or did not want to commit to strongly in form of a deliverable. The vision and scenarios document is a public document, as almost all of our deliverables are. It can be read by anyone and it is intended to be distributed. So please feel free to do so (read and distribute – possibly even comment here). You can find the document for download here and it will also be available on the PSIRP project website soon.