10/11/2008 By Dirk 0

EIFFEL Think Tank Meeting Day2

…no this is not from the 2nd day of the EIFFEL think tank meeting. But I did realize that I did not follow up with a 2nd day report after I had written my first day report right from the meeting facilities.

The second day continued where it had stopped the first day, namely with break-out groups. Technology, society and business groups continued their discussions, trying to summarize the most crucial points on the think tank wiki.

We then convened again in the plenary in order to gather feedback from selected participants. Generally, the feedback was positive. A good start but we need to follow up, was the main message. And this is indeed required.

The second think tank meeting is currently under planning, the discussions will hopefully continue and we will aim for having a continuation of these fruitful discussions at the beginning of 2009.