Socio-economic evaluation of Large scale systems
During my work on seamless mobility and applications in the Internet (see below), I encountered more and more the phenomenon of core-edge dynamics, which describes the movement of functionality between what we classically perceive as the “core” and the “edge” of the network. This movement, being caused by technological, economical, and regulatory forces, is recognized to have impacts on the current and future value chain of the telecommunication industry. In my work with MIT’s Communications Futures Program (CFP), I used to co-chair the “Core-Edge Dynamics” working group (now called theValue Chain Dynamics working group), together with Prof. Charlie Fine from MIT Sloan. The working group is chartered with addressing the phenomenon of core-edge dynamics through methods of case studies, taxonomy definition, system model development, and derivation of possible future value chains. During regular small working group meetings and bi-annual large consortium meetings, industry partners such as France Telecom, Intel, British Telecom, and Nokia are working together with the faculty from MIT in this space.