09/02/2010 By Dirk 0

Ipod usage

I have got my iPod touch now for some weeks and it has replaced my phone in many ways. Email and calendar almost entirely moved to the iPod and the phone became a truly mobile, I.e., cellular device again. When quickly checking emails at home, it’s done with the iPod. The mail client on my Nokia, supposedly being the latest model, is a disgrace in most part, just enough for reading on the go.
There is certainly an increased role for my mobile now since Nokia announced navigation for free. My phone is obviously NOT officially supported but another version worked on mine so that car nav works well and free now. But it can still not change my mind in the light of my iPod having all sorts of apps for anything while my Nokia is running with a few core apps only.

This post, btw, has been written from the iPod.