26/04/2012 By Dirk 0

AIRS now supports on-device visualisation!

AIRS has been updated recently. It now supports on-device visualisation of values. This has been implemented so that each sensor indicates the possibility to visualise and each sensor provides its own history, if supported. For this, the AIRS platform provides generic history support (with configurable length of the history) as well as visualisations (currently, AIRS supports timeline and map views).

This support for visualisations is currently meant for providing brief ‘flashbacks’ in terms of history. The number of values being remembered can be configured in the general settings and the values are shown with timestamps in their individual visualisations.

The pictures below show examples for the timeline and map view, respectively.

In the mapview, a path trace is shown with the last read position showing a different marker (the flag that you can see above).

The hope is that this simple visualisation can be used for useful feedback to users that record various values with AIRS. Possible extensions in the future might use the Android-based SQLlite system instead of the text file based storage, enabling more complex visualisations.